What should take up most of your time? Chasing down minor details, or helping people understand how to safeguard your church? Because we believe safe cultures are based on people having the time to talk about serious issues. We know how important it is to automate as much as you can so it doesn’t take up more time than it should.
That’s why Safe Ministry Training has a range of powerful automation and screening tools that will help your church focus on the culture, while the details get taken care of.
Code of Conduct Affirmation
A basic essential of screening (apart from doing a training course) is to have people affirm your church’s Code of Conduct. This sets out the expected behaviours of Leaders within the church, and helps underscore the weightiness of ensuring they safeguard vulnerable people.
At the end of the Leaders Course, churches can opt to show their Code of Conduct and ask Leaders to affirm it and agree to behave according to it. Their affirmation is recorded as part of the course completion.
Elvanto Syncing
Elvanto provides a power church management tool to keep track of your members, including their groups, volunteering, progress and more. We’ve worked together with Elvanto to provide a custom built integration that gives you confidence that your Elvanto database is up to date with people’s training dates and screening status.
See more details in the Elvanto Help page.
Self-Disclosure Screening Options
An important insurance requirement is to ask your volunteers a few personal questions. Churches should ask their volunteers to affirm they are suitable to work with vulnerable people, and whether they have ever been accused of any harm or wrong-doing in a previous organisation or workplace.
It’s also important that churches ask their volunteers what experience they’ve had leading up to the role they’ll be doing. This helps churches work out how to best support those who might need it.
Safe Ministry Check has worked together with Ansvar Risk Management to come up with a few short questions that can be included in the Leaders Course to simplify the screening process.
Referee Screening Options
Checking in on a person’s referees is an important step in screening. While this should be done personally if you were going to employ someone, most volunteer roles are suitable to be referee checked via email.
With endorsement from Ansvar Risk Management, our system asks users to provide the details for two referees. One should be a leader from within your church, the other should be someone from outside the organisation. They need to not be closely related, and must have known the person for more than 6 months.
When they complete the Leaders Course, we’ll email the referees and ask them to confirm three things:
1. They have known the person for more than 6 months.
2. They have no knowledge of the person ever being accused of harm or wrong-doing.
3. They believe the person to be suitable to work with children and vulnerable people.
The referee can click a button in the email and we’ll record their response in our system for you.
Legal (State based Working with Children Check) Screening Options
It’s a legal requirement in all States and Territories that anyone who works with children is required to apply for a check to confirm they are not barred from working with children (or vulnerable people).
However, it’s also a requirement that organisations engaging those people in child related work need to verify them and record their verification status.
One of the most powerful features of the Safe Ministry Check Screening tools is the automated WWCC verification. If your church is in NSW, VIC, TAS, WA, or QLD, we can perform the online verification for you. We’ll record the result, the person’s expiry date, and we’ll even record a screenshot of the verification for you.