Create a Free account and get instant access
When you create an account with Safe Ministry Check online, you’ll have free access to Ansvar approved Policies and Documents ready to use for your church.
- Safe Ministry Policy
A Safe Ministry Policy outlines your church’s commitments to safeguard vulnerable people. The example policy we’ve provided has been written with Ansvar Risk Solutions and reflects the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.
- Leaders Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct lays out the commitments your leaders and volunteers should make before they represent your church. These are the key principles that your people should agree to behave according to and be held accountable by. Written with Ansvar Risk Solutions, it is a part of the online Leaders Training Course.
- Safe Ministry Incident Management Process
What steps should your church take when someone reports a concern or a case of abuse? The Safe Ministry Incident Management Process has been prepared with Ansvar Risk Solutions to provide a simple step-by-step process for your Safe Ministry Contacts to follow. It ensures that the right steps are taken, the correct people are contacted, and that people are cared for.

Other documents
- Terms & Conditions
- Privacy Policy
- Group Discussion Questions