New Feature: Screening Status Emails

Safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do at Safe Ministry Check. Our commitment to ensuring a safe environment in all aspects of ministry drives us to continuously innovate and enhance our platform. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce our latest feature designed to make safeguarding simpler and more efficient for administrators and trainees alike: the Screening Status Email feature.

What Is the Screening Status Email Feature?

The Screening Status Email is a new tool within the Safe Ministry Check platform that proactively informs trainees of their compliance status regarding their screening requirements, such as Working With Children Checks (WWCC), and training modules. If a trainee’s status is flagged as “Pending” or “Error,” they’ll receive an email notification directing them to update or provide necessary information via their Trainee Portal, ensuring they remain clear to serve.

The Benefits

This feature aims to reduce the administrative burden on Safe Ministry Check Administrators by automating the process of reminding trainees about their compliance requirements. It also encourages trainees to take responsibility for their status, fostering a culture of proactive compliance and safeguarding within your organisation.

How to Enable the Screening Status Email Feature

Utilising this feature is straightforward. Here’s how you can tailor the Screening Status Email feature to suit your organisation:

  1. Log into Your Administration Portal: The journey begins with a simple login to your Safe Ministry Check Administration Portal.
  2. Navigate to ‘Our Screening Options’: Once logged in, locate the settings dropdown menu. From there, select ‘Our Screening Options’ to access the various screening settings available for your organisation.
  3. Find the ‘Safe Training Options’ Section: Within ‘Our Screening Options,’ you’ll see a segment titled ‘Safe Training Options.’ This is where you can manage how your organisation approaches training compliance.
  4. Set Email Reminder Frequency: You’ll notice a question asking, ‘How long between sending email reminders to Trainees whose status is Pending or Error?’. This is where the magic happens. You can select how frequently you’d like to remind your trainees who need to update their status. The options include 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, or 3 months. By default, this is set to once a month, but you can choose the frequency that best suits your organisation’s needs.
  5. Trainees Receive Automatic Updates: Once enabled, trainees with a “Pending” or “Error” status will automatically receive an email notifying them of the steps they need to take in their Trainee Portal to rectify their status and remain cleared to serve.

Why This Matters

Keeping track of compliance requirements can be a daunting task for both administrators and trainees. The Screening Status Email feature not only simplifies this process but also ensures that safeguarding responsibilities are shared across your organisation. By utilising this feature, you’re taking an important step towards maintaining a safe and compliant ministry environment and culture.


We believe that safeguarding is a shared responsibility, and with the Screening Status Email feature, we’re making it easier for everyone involved to play their part. By streamlining the compliance process, we can all focus more on what matters most: the work of the gospel, in a safe and protected environment, where our ministries and church communities can grow and flourish.

Utilise the Screening Status Email feature today, and take a significant step forward in your safeguarding journey.

If you have have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team at