Safe Ministry Check, The 10 National Principles & You

In a world where the safety of vulnerable individuals within organisations is of paramount importance, Safe Ministry Check is designed to support and equip churches and ministry organisations in building a culture of safe ministry and ensuring compliance with their legal and regulatory requirements.

With a training and screening platform born out of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and shaped by the 10 national principles of a child safe organisations,  Safe Ministry Check not only seeks to create safe ministry environments for all vulnerable people, but also empowers churches to be confident and equipped in fulfilling these requirements.

We serve as an administrative system to assist churches and organisations in maintaining up-to-date records of training and screening. While we aim to provide support, please note that we do not possess the authority to offer recommendations or advice on any issues that may arise.

Standard One | Leadership, Governance, and Culture

Safe Ministry Check assists in fosters a culture of safety ministry across all members of churches and faith based organisations. Through comprehensive training modules designed for various levels of leadership and responsibility, church, organisation and ministry members are equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to lead by example and ensure that safety of the vulnerable is woven into the fabric of their organisational culture and governance structures.

Standard Two | Children’s Participation and Empowerment

The voices of the vulnerable are amplified through Safe Ministry Check’s emphasis on their participation in decisions affecting them. This platform offers training on creating inclusive environments where children and vulnerable people feel valued, heard, and empowered.

Standard Three | Family and Community Engagement

By advocating for open communication and engagement with families and communities through its training, Safe Ministry Check strengthens the network of care around children and vulnerable people. Churches and organisations are encouraged to work collaboratively with families, fostering a community-wide approach to safety.

Standard Four | Equity and Inclusive Practices

Safe Ministry Check’s training resources highlight the importance of equity and inclusivity, ensuring that all vulnerable people, regardless of their background, abilities, or circumstances, are protected and respected. Churches and organisations are guided on implementing practices that embrace diversity and promote equity within their communities.

Standard Five | Suitable Staff and Volunteers 

Safe Ministry Check emphasises the critical role of comprehensive screening, ongoing training, and support for staff and volunteers. Churches are equipped with best practices for creating a competent team dedicated to upholding child safety standards.

Standard Six | Child Focused Complaint Processes

With tools and training on establishing transparent and accessible reporting mechanisms, Safe Ministry Check helps you ensure that all vulnerable people, as well as the church/organisation as a whole, feel safe and equipped in being able to raise concerns if they arise. Churches and organisations are also equipped with templates and resources to assist in understanding how to handle any concerns that are raised effectively.

Standard Seven | Ongoing Education and Training 

The flexibility of Safe Minsitry Checks screening setting allows churches and organisations to ensure regular and ongoing training and screening for those involved in ministry to ensure they stay update and refreshed in their knowledge surrounding safely of vulnerable people.

Standard Eight | Child Safety in Physical and Online Environments

Recognising the evolving challenges of ministry in both physical and digital sphere’s, through our example policies, code of conduct and training, Safe Ministry Check assists churches and organisations to identify and mitigate risks and develop safe environments for all people. Our training emphasises the importance of adhering to the Code of Conduct and Safe Ministry Policy not only in the physical environment but also in the online environment. Churches are encouraged to assess risks and implement strategies according to their unique ministry needs in order to protect vulnerable people both on-premises and online.

Standard Nine | Regular Review and Continuous Improvement

Safe Ministry Check encourages and support churches and organisations to have a culture of continuous improvement, developing digital and up to date resources to encourage regular review of safe ministry documents and policies to facilite the enhancement of their child safety practices. This proactive approach ensures that safeguarding measures remain effective and responsive to changing requirements.

Standard Ten | Policies and Procedures

Safe Ministry Check assists churches in developing comprehensive, Ansvar approved policies and procedures that are shaped by the National Principles. These documents serve as a foundation for a structured and consistent approach to child safety.

Effective documentation and record-keeping are essential for all churches and organisations, and Safe Ministry Check provides a platform to manage and maintain comprehensive training and screening records, all in one place. This platform facilitates accountability, transparency, and the ability to respond promptly to concerns raised throughout the training and screening process.