That’s just a segment of the online training. We hope you don’t mind just a taste…
Thanks for having a look at just a part of one of our online courses. As you can see, we’ve worked hard to ensure the video and content is simple, positive and engaging.
If you’re thinking about using Safe Ministry Training for your church, there’s two things you can do straight away…
1. Setup a Free Church Account
You can register your church in less than a minute for free. On the Basic Church Plan you’ll have access to almost all the resources available in the tool and you can see how the system works.
Also, if you’re the Account Administrator, you can do all the courses free of charge (if you’re also an Ansvar Customer).
Register your church now
2. Contact Us
We’d love to help you and your church get the tools you need to safeguard your people and your organisation. Even if you just don’t know where to start, or if you’d like to find out if it’s worth moving your training across to us… we’d love to help.
Get in Touch