Already done a similar course? Great… let’s get you screened!

Many people in our churches get professional vulnerable person training as part of their occupation… Teachers, Health professionals, Care services, even Sports and activity professionals… many are already well versed in understanding the issues around vulnerable people and appropriate behaviour. So asking these people to do another course for church can sometimes feel like a kick in the guts – even though they believe it’s very important.

But we can’t just give them a free pass… there are still all the special details and policies and screening requirements that have to be worked through as part of volunteering at church:

  • They need to get a copy of the Safe Ministry Policy (insurance requirement)
  • They need to sign off on the Code of Conduct (insurance requirement)
  • They need to get their WWC Check verified if they’re working with kids (legal requirement)
  • They need to be asked to disclose any previous accusations or abuse (insurance requirement)
  • They need to provide two referees who can verify their character (insurance requirement)
  • They need to know exactly who to contact in your church if they have any concerns about someone’s safety

So, as of today we’ve launched a brand new feature for your church members who’ve already done similar training, but who still need to be inducted and screened. It’s called the Leader Screening module.

People can select this option and provide details of the course they’ve already done as part of their work, school, or even through another church.

They’ll then be asked all the same screening questions your other leaders are asked, and we’ll automatically verify their WWCC, Referees, and more.

Build a safe culture among your health professionals and teachers by inviting them to go through the Leader Screening module, so they can play their part in safeguarding vulnerable people at your church.