Well what a start to the year it’s been!
In the last two months we’ve seen over 50 new churches and organisations come on board with us and over 3300 training courses completed!
Every time a training course is completed or a new organisation signs up we do a little dance here at Safe Ministry Check, because it’s one more person choosing to do their part to protect the vulnerable people in their church and community.
Code of Conducts
In the last few months we’ve seen a BIG update to Safe Ministry Check – we’ve made it possible to customise your Code of Conduct! We heard your feedback – you wanted to be able to customise your code of conduct to suit your organisation’s specific needs – and we acted. You can now completely customise the Code of Conduct to which your trainees agree.
To do this, go to General Settings and select ‘Code of Conduct’

This will open a new tab where you can edit the Code of Conduct. Each new line in the text box represents a checkbox, so keep this in mind as you input your Code of Conduct.

We hope this new update to the Safe Ministry Check system will make it even easier to meet your training and screening needs.
We’ve got some exciting new things in the works as well (including a new and simpler sign in process!) so stay tuned over the coming months to find out more!