One of the sad things about being part of a church is people moving. Friendships formed over weekly cups of tea, meals, and services become long distance.
On the flip side though, it also means that new people will join your church after they have moved. Not only is this a great opportunity to make new friends, but it presents opportunities for serving one another and the rest of your church.
At Safe Ministry Check, we know that people moving is a reality of life. We also know that lots of churches are doing training for safe ministry, whether that’s with Safe Ministry Check or another provider.
That’s why on our system, we allow you to mark off that training has been completed elsewhere. If you accept that the training is valid, then you are able to mark the training as complete on the Safe Ministry Check system. Here’s how:
Firstly, log onto the Safe Ministry Check dashboard.

Once you’re here, click on the person’s name whose training you’re hoping to mark off as complete. Click on “Course Progress” in the far left column, which will take you to this page.

From here, you’ll need to click on “Mark as completed” for the course a person has completed, or what you deem to be the equivalent level of training. This will bring up the following box.

Here you’ll put the date that the training was completed and whether it was through Safe Ministry Check or another group. This training will then expire on the date it was completed according to your account settings.
Once you click save changes, they’ll have their training marked off as completed in our system.
From here, you’ll be able to enter their screening details. They can also renew their training at any time with no extra cost.
If you have any questions around training or screening, please contact us via our website, email, or phone.
Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash