Training levels: How to Choose the Right Course

Ever wondered who each of our training courses is designed for? Here is a quick summary of what level of training is designed for the different members of your organisation.

Member Awareness Course

The Member Awareness Course is for every member of your organisation. This level of training is designed to assist in building a culture of Safe Ministry within the whole of your organisation by equipping all its members with training to help them look out for vulnerable people.

Volunteer/Leader Course

The Volunteer / Leader Course is for people who serve others. This course is designed to train and screen people who are serving and interacting with vulnerable people regularly. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • kids & youth ministry leaders;
  • small group or bible study leaders; and
  • support people and carers.

This level of training equips members with information on safe and appropriate ministry conduct, signs of abuse and what to look out for, and how to report any concerns or incidents.

Team Leader Course

The Team Leader Course is for those who lead teams of people in ministry. This course is designed to equip those with greater ministry roles on their safe ministry responsibilities. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Those who run events and programs; and
  • Those leading ministry teams.

This level of training is designed to assist them in understanding their unique responsibilities in ensuring their ministry teams and environments are implementing safe ministry practices.

Staff & Board Member Course

The Staff & Board Member Course is for those in positions of leadership and authority within your organisation. This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Pastors;
  • Elders;
  • Staff; and
  • Board Members.

This level of training is designed to help them in understanding their unique responsibility in establishing a safe culture in their organisation.