Why would you train everyone in your church?

We want churches to be organisations that are safe for children and vulnerable people. The third national principle for Child Safe Organisations¹ is that “families and communities are informed and involved in promoting child safety and wellbeing”.  In a church setting we can fulfil this principle by training our whole community to be aware of the risks to children and vulnerable people in church settings and to know what to do when they have a concern about a vulnerable person’s safety or wellbeing. Safe Ministry Check in partnership with Ansvar Risk has developed an Awareness Course that is great for your whole church community to participate in.

Using the Awareness Course you can inform your whole community about how they can be part of keeping children and vulnerable people safe at your church.  Your community will learn what makes a person vulnerable, what constitutes different types of abuse, and what to do if they need to report a concern.  By empowering your whole community with this knowledge, they can all be involved in promoting safety and wellbeing for children and vulnerable people.

¹Australian Commission for Human Rights. (2018). National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. Retrieved from: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/national-principles-child-safe-organisations