Getting Started with Training

Eager to begin safe ministry training? Excellent! Your church/ministry leaders care about protecting the vulnerable people in your church and this is the first step. You should possess a training …

Keeping Them Safe: Where Do I Start?

If you’re asking: What are my legal requirements? What key policies and procedural documents should I have? How can I keep my church safe? Here are 5 steps to get you started!

Updates to the People List

We’re very excited to share with you a recent update to our People List page! You asked us for a more customisable way to view your trainees, and we listened.

New feature for Member Trainees!

Here at Safe Ministry Check we’re always innovating, on the hunt for new and better ways to manage compliance so you can care for your people. As such, we wanted to let you know about a new feature we’ve recently added to the Safe Ministry Check system!

Kicking off 2022

Well what a start to the year it’s been!  In the last two months we’ve seen over 50 new churches and organisations come on board with us and over 3300 …